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Take your health

to new heights.

with Jodi Pavey

Menopause Coach

and Personal trainer

My objective is to empower women in cultivating strength and confidence throughout their health journey. Serving as a personal trainer and menopause coach, my aim is to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of one's body and identify personalized strategies tailored to individual needs. I I am committed to recognizing the uniqueness of each woman.

Areas Of Training

Woman Unrolling A Yoga Mat

Menopause Coach

GGS Certified

Personal Trainer

NASM Certified

People Meditating in a Yoga Class

Group Fitness Instructor


-Strength Training


About Me:

Since 2016, I have dedicated myself to the fitness industry, witnessing numerous clients achieve their desired objectives.

As a woman in her fifties, I embarked on a personal mission to educate and empower myself through the journey of menopause. Along this transformative path, I discovered the profound significance of sharing the wisdom gained with others.

I embrace the roles of wife, mother, and advocate, striving to inspire others to embrace each day as an opportunity to thrive.

What You Can Expect:

Personalized one-on-one coaching tailored to your specific needs, crafting a workout routine designed to boost strength, mobility and flexibility.

In addition to the above: Navigating your menopause journey with expert guidance to become equipped with the necessary tools to achieve a healthy and robust lifestyle.

If you are contending with an injury, allow me to facilitate your recovery journey. Recognizing that healing is a process that requires time and dedication, my aim is to support you in surpassing your previous state of well-being.

As we age, achieving weight loss can present increased challenges, yet it remains attainable through a combination of targeted fitness strategies and sound nutritional practices. Let's work together to help you reach your weight loss objectives.

Woman Stretching Body on a Mat

Taking your health

to new heights.

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